Collection: Shampoo

How often do you wash your hair? Once a day? Once a week? 

Most people tend to wash their hair weekly and some, once or twice a week. But if you start to go for long periods without washing your hair, it can lead to you having dirty, dull, greasy, and smelly hair. And you definitely don’t want that.

Some people believe in substituting wash days for a dry shampoo every other week but the truth is dry shampoo is simply not enough! Dry shampoo absorbs the oil in your hair which may lead you to thinking your hair is fully clean, when it's only a temporary solution.  After some time, the product builds up, making your hair dry, and increasing the amount of breakage you see.

This is why you must set time aside to wash your hair with water, shampoo, and conditioner to get rid of the dirt, build-up of hair products as well as the dead skin on your scalp.